Monday, 9 January 2017

It was a rather dull weekend weather wise but it did supply some new additions to the year list.
A quick visit on the way home on friday 6th produced a skein of geese which held 56 Canada and two Greylags(56). Not a species that is very plentiful on the patch.
Saturdays morning walk didn't provide much except for the usual species but a walk up to Haymans Hill in the afternoon provided a Yellowhammer(57). The orchards were full of Redwings and Fieldfares and there are still lots of apples on the trees so they are likely to hang about,
Sunday down at the lake saw good numbers of finches which included a couple of Lesser Redpolls(58) and cracking male Brambling(59).I was really pleased to find both these species as there haven't been many about this winter.
The feeders produced 2-3 Marsh Tits plus Blue and Great and a couple of Coal tits which included a 'Continental' type which I am hoping to get a picture of if it continues to visit.
The only thing on the lake was two pairs of Mandarins and a pair of Mallard.  

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