At the lake a few of the resident species have started to nest with both pairs of Grebes and a Moorhen sitting tight. Four Mandarins were on the lake, consisting of 3 drakes and a duck(hopefully they are nesting somewhere nearby).
There were still 120 Fieldfares and 20 Redwings feeding in the orchard with a few Chaffinches mixed in amongst them. I'd put on my wellies as I had decided to walk through the alder wood at the southern end.
This produced Blue, Great and Long-tailed tit as well as Treecreeper and Nuthatch. As I neared the edge of the wood I heard a Lesser-spotted Woodpecker so doubled back and eventually got two fleeting glimpses.There was also a little group of a dozen Siskins and as I watched them a Buzzard called somewhere above me. It was nice to here Chiffchaffs calling and in all three were heard around the lake.
As I came into the open on the Shirrenden side a Coal Tit called and a male Kestrel flew from one of the pines.
As I walked up though the paddock a large raptor came into view heading straight for me, this turned out to be my first Red Kite(87)Fantastic!! A few years ago this would have been unheard of on my patch but in recent years I've almost come to expect at least one siting in the year.
Just as I was about to leave a couple of Swallows zipped through going north.
In the garden Siskins continue to come to the sunflower hearts with 11 coming in late in the afternoon. I don't think i've ever had so many in the garden and at such a late date. This certainly has been a strange start to the year!
I agree about the Red Kites and the Siskins Steve, much the same on my patch - not had red kite this year yet though :-)