The other highlight was a Tree Pipit(93) which flew over going North west.
On Monday morning I heard the first Reed Warbler(94) calling from the reeds at the southern end.
Today I managed a walk in the morning and saw 1 Buzzard, 3 Mandarin drakes, 1 Reed Bunting
, 1 Reed Warbler,5 Blackcaps and 4 Chiffchaffs at the lake and also heard a Water Rail calling.
Elsewhere on the patch I saw 2 Willow Warblers, 6 Whitethroats(including the first female of the year) the Red legged Partridge and a Buzzard.
I also saw a Grass Snake , a Toad and a Peacock Butterfly.
Red legs are very scarce here too Steve. Wish i had some decent habitat here for some more warblers :-(