Monday, 15 July 2013

A walk on Friday afternoon produced some brilliant views of a Hobby which circled over the orchard with a flock of 100+ Swifts which were feeding low over the fruit trees.
Our walk took us up to Sprivers where we found three adult Spotted Flycatchers feeding over one of the ponds.
Spotted Flycatcher
Saturday afternoon saw me looking for more Damsels and Dragonflies down at the lake. I found my first Common Darter of the year:-
Common Darter
I also refound the Golden-ringed Dragonfly:-
G-r Dragonfly
and photographed a White-legged Damsel:-
White-legged Damselfly
Sunday saw me adding a species to the year list in the shape of two Crossbills(107) which flew over the lake and landed on the pine trees on the Shirrenden side.A most unexpected  bonus! 


  1. Nice selection of bits and pieces Steve, must keep an ear out for those Crossbills here :-)

  2. Some good stuff there Steve, nice dragon and damsel pics. Glad you liked Lakenheath, I really like it and with the Stone Curlews at Weeting just a couple of miles down the road there is lots to see :-)
