Sunday, 5 February 2017

I managed a quick walk down to the lake on Friday 3rd after work before the rain came.
I checked the feeders and watched the comings and goings of the various Tits which included 2 Marsh Tits.
Unfortunately I flushed a Little Owl(68) that was roosting in a lakeside tree.As usual the lake held few birds with just Mallard, Moorhen and Mandarin.
Saturday produced a pair of Reed Buntings in the ditch at the southern end and a Brambling feeding with Chaffinches under the alders in the bottom corner,
Walking back up Gibbet Lane I was pleased to find 5 Waxwings in the rear garden of one of the houses. It was great to re-find them as I hadn't seen any since Monday afternoon.
During the day they were very mobile but I did get some shots of them in the school grounds.

Today, down at the lake a Yellow hammer was seen along with a good flock of Siskins and a flyover Lesser Redpoll and Grey Wagtail.
The Kestrel pair were very vocal on the Shirrenden side and two Skylarks were singing over the cleared orchard.
Just 4 Waxwings were seen today with three in Gibbt Lane and one in the school as I walked home.
Waxwing in Gibbet Lane


  1. Not had a Lesser Redpoll this year Steve, how different to last year!

  2. Yes Warren, only the second one for me this year. This time last year
    they were coming into the garden.
