Sunday, 1 January 2017


December passed with a Chiffchaff on the 11th, on the track up to Haymans Hill where there are great numbers of Redwings with at least 1200 on 23rd and 2000 on 31st plus 700 Fieldfares.
The other highlights were a male Lesser Spotted Woodpecker in the hedge at paddock in Furnace Lane surpassed by a Marsh Harrier(107) that flew south over the house at 08:00 on 25th.The perfect christmas gift and a welcome addition to the garden and year lists.
This bought the year tally to 107.
The feeders down at the lake have made it easy to see Marsh Tits as they are regular visitors, as is a Water Rail which has been eating the stuff that is dropped from above.
One of the 2-3 Marsh Tits
Water Rail (thanks to Wez for the image)
2017 started on a damp note with  a few of the commoner species not seen, however Marsh Tit, Woodcock and Great Black-backed Gull were the undoubted highlight.
No raptors were seen, which was not a surprise given the weather, so I've attached a shot of a Sparrowhawk I took on a sunnier day.


  1. Happy new year Steve! Haven't seen you down there for a while, my camouflage must be working then! Wez

    1. We don't seem to be crossing paths,Wez.Hope to bump into you soon.

  2. Good end to last year - and a good start to this steve !

    1. Yes Warren. The Marsh harrier was terrific but the total was far short of the highest of 117!
