The following day I was delighted to find two Wheatears (77) in the old currant field in Furnace Lane which was particularly pleasing as I had been checking this field as I had a feeling something could turn up there!
The 15th turned up the first Cuckoo (78) but it remains the only one so far this spring.
The following day and I was greeted by a Willow Warbler (79) singing in the back garden.
Down at the lake I found a second Willow warbler in the lakeside trees.Unfortunately these delightful little birds no longer breed on the patch due to all the suitable habitat being destroyed.
Chiffchaff numers have increased to five singing males and two females.
One of the female Chiffchaffs
Four House Martins (80) added to the years list as they flew straight through.
That evening I decided to go out just before dark to listen for Nightingales just in case one had turned up. None were found but I did have two Snipe (81) going over just as the sun set.
The follwing morning there was a frost as I left the house so I was surprised to find a Lesser Whitethroat (82) singing at the top of Kirkins and even more surprised to have a second down at the lake.
Five summer migrants were seen on Sunday including the Lesser Whitethroat, Chiffchaff, Swallow, Wllow Warbler and Blackcap.
It was nice to see a Blackcap at the pond too. Flitting around near the fallen tree, dam-end. Still listening out in hope for a Cuckoo though! :)