Wednesday, 9 March 2016

As I left the house at 07:00 on Sunday 06/03/16 Siskins were on the feeders in the garden.
Walking down through Kirkins and 2 Bullfinches were in the brambles at the top.As Iwalked down the track some Redpolls flew over and a Green Woodpecker took off from the small orchard.Into the paddock and Redwings and Fieldfares were in abundance.
Onto the lake where there were 4 Great-crested Grebes,a Kingfisher, Mallard and Moorhen viewable from the dam end.
Next down the lane past the pumping station and Grey Wagtail was on the stream and a Pied Wagtail was in amongst the sheep.Siskins and Goldfinches were feeding in the poplars.
 I have put up a feeder at the southern end of the lake and was delighted to find at least 2 Marsh Tits coming in with Great,Blue and Coal Tits plus a couple of Nuthatches and a Water Rail scurried away from under it.
Marsh Tit on the feeder.
Around on the Shirrenden side and three Kestrels were dislaying over the paddock.
The stock pond held a Grey Heron but still no Little Owl was found.As I left, the local pair of Buzzards came out of the wood calling loudly.
I spent some time watching the garden feeders and counted 18 Siskins plus 3 Redpolls amongst the Goldfinches,House Sparrows,Chaffinches and pair of Greenfinches.
Lesser Redpoll in the garden

I was very pleased with the 50 species seen durng the day even though no new species were added to the year total. 


  1. Been a good year for garden visiting Siskin and Redpoll Steve.

  2. They got to me a bit late but they're still coming,Warren!
