Female Blue Rock Thrush busy nest building
Lesser Kestrel
Black Eared Wheatear
The number of Swifts and Swallows around the area was pretty impressive with Common, Pallid and Alpine Swifts seen daily plus Barn and Red Rumped Swallows and Crag, House and a few Sand Martins. Ten raptor species were also seen plus a real bonus in the shape of a Thrush Nightingale I found early on the first morning. This was a first for me and I was well made up!!!
I was amazed by the number of crickets about at this time of year and I'll add some photos of some of these plus a bit more of the holiday week in the coming posts.
Back to the patch and Friday 16th turned up the first Spotted Flycatcher(93) near lake cottage. Sunday a Common Sandpiper(94) was resting in one of the fishing swims.
Common Sandpiper
The first Damsels and a Downy Emerald dragonfly were also seen at the weekend.