Thursday, 24 October 2013

Arrived at the lake just as the sun was about to appear over the trees at the northern end.

There were a few birds moving after the change in weather, with Chaffinches going over bringing my first Brambling of the Autumn with them. I soon added singles of Siskin  and Reed Bunting. Then Fieldfare and Redwing went over. A lot of Wood Pigeons were going East.
On the lake there were 25 Canada Geese, 3 Great Crested Grebes, 9 Mandarins, 8 Moorhens, a Coot (a bit of a rarity here, plus best of all a Litttle Grebe (115).
Little Grebe in the mist.
So a nice little walk plus a species for the year list, Excellent!!


  1. No fog there then!

    Little Grebe would go down nicely here Steve, a real rarity here!

  2. Nice one Steve, a pretty impressive list growing there mate.
