Sunday, 11 August 2013

End of week round-up

At last I've managed a bit of birding on the patch!
There certainly has been an increase in the number of warblers around the lake and Wednesday produced a new species for the year list when the overgrown ditch at the southern end of the lake gave me my first Sedge Warbler(108) this year.
This morning there were about 15 Willow Warblers, 10 Whitethroats, a Garden Warbler,4 Coal Tits, 10 Blue Tits, 3 Blackcaps, 3 Spotted Flycatchers  and a couple of Goldcrests in a large roving flock. Surprisingly I only found about 6 Chiffchaffs with them. A Lesser Spotted Woodpecker was also seen in the trees nearby.
The lake held 16 Mandarins but little else of interest.
Round on the Shirrenden side I stumbled across this Roe buck which took flight into the wood, barking and as it did so.
Roe relaxing in the sun
On Thursday evening I saw a Roe doe with two fawns in the same area.
There were plenty of Cinnabar Moth caterpillars on the Ragwort :-
Cinnabar Moth caterpillar
I also got a reasonable shot of a Common Blue :-
Common Blue male
I couldn't resist taking another shot of the G-R Dragonfly which was still about in the week :-
G-R Dragonfly


  1. Well done on the Sedgie Steve :-) Still not had one here this year :-(

    Lots of flutters today though :-)

  2. Nice Roe Deer pic Stephen, the list is ticking on nicely :-)
