Friday, 7 June 2013

Review of first week of June.

Last weekend was great in terms of species seen, with 53 seen on Saturday and a further six seen on Sunday.
There are three Great spotted Woodpeckers nests around which are becoming increasingly noisy.Mandarin numbers had gone up to twelve yesterday evening(11 drakes and a duck).
Monday evening I added Peregrine to the months tally when a fine male was circling over the orchard. This is the first time I have had Peregrine on the first six months of the year.
The pair of Canada Geese have returned to the lake with three goslings:-
Canadas with goslings
The increase in Mandarins is due to the drakes going into moult,I think? Last weekend I picked up a rather attractive feather(see pic)
A Kingfisher was seen yesterday evening plus I found a Mistle Thrush feeding two youngsters
One of the juvenile Mistle Thrush
Finally on the insect front I saw my first Banded Demoiselle of the year(see below)
                                                                  Male banded Demoiselle.
So here's hoping for a productive weekend.


  1. 59 species in two days is good going Steve :-)

    Is that not a Beautiful Demoiselle rather than Banded ?

  2. The wings were more obvious in flight than the picture would suggest.
