I didn't manage to break the 100 barrier by the end of April , finishing on 99 with the addition of Feral Pigeon(98) and Barn Owl(99).
On Friday 3rd May I had a single Egyptian Goose on the lake, the 2nd record this year.
On Saturday 4th I met Hugh, who joined me for a walk of the patch.In total we had six warbler species which included Whitethroat(5), Chiffchaff(9), Willow Warbler(3), Blackcap(10), Garden Warbler(3)and a Reed Warbler.
We also heard a Water Rail calling and a Lesser Spot drumming and calling.One of the pairs of G-C Grebes had one chick on it's back and whilst we were watching it a Grey Wagtail flew over our heads. The only raptor we saw was a Kestrel.
This mornings walk got off to a great start when a Swift(100) was wheeling over the house as I left.The only additions to what was seen on Saturday was a pair of Lesser Redpolls which were displaying over the lake
and the G-C Grebes also had a second chick.
In the afternoon Phyllis and I sat in the back garden and I watched the sky which eventually produced 6 Swifts, 5 House Martins, 4 Swallows and a Sand Martin, plus a Sparrowhawk and best of all a Peregrine which drifted in from the East, circled the village for a while then drifted off East again. Brilliant!!!
100 up already Steve :-) It will be a while I think before I get to that mark here!