Sunday, 24 February 2013

This week has seen a few ducks appear on the lake. A short visit on Tuesday produced the first Tufted Duck (74) of the year. Yesterday I popped in on my way home from work and found five Teal (2 Drakes and three ducks), as well as three Coots, a pair of Mandarins, five Great-crested Grebes and two Kingfishers.
On this mornings walk it was noticeable that a lot of gulls were moving N/east, with counts of                   260 Black-headed, 14 Common, 10 Herring and 3 Lesser-black backed.
The lake held 16 Moorhens, 1 Coot, 5 Great-crested Grebes and 6 Goosanders(all redheads).There were very few winter thrushes about with just 5 Fieldfares and 2 Redwings seen plus a Mistle thrush.
The stream below the lake held a Grey Wagtail.

1 comment:

  1. Tufted Duck would be a mega here Steve :-) I've not recorded Grey Wagtail here yet this year.
