Friday, 22 February 2019

the first two Lesser Redpolls(62) of the year appeared on the 9th February and the same day two Great Black-backed Gulls(63) went over NW (always a good tick for the patch).
Whilst working in the garden in the afternoon of the 9th we were lucky to pick up a Raven(64).
The Chiffchaff remains on the patch and on the 10th a second,very pale individual was seen.The same day a male Reed Bunting(65) was in the ditch at the southern end.
It was great to see and hear a Skylark(66) over Swigs on the16th.The following day the first decent mixed flock of Siskins and Redpolls for a while was in the alders behind the old boathouse and after watching them intently for some while I found a Mealy Redpoll(67) amongst them.
The sunshine in the last couple of days has been a joy and has bought the Lesser Celandines into flower.

Yesterday,a pair of Egyptian Geese(68) were found on the stockpond in Shirrenden and were still there this afternoon.
                                                     Egyptian Geese on the stockpond

It's been great to be seeing Bullfinches regularly on the patch.

Wednesday, 6 February 2019

Birding has taken a back seat of late and my time o(n the patch has been limited.
Despite that the list has ticked along and the overwintering Chiffchaff(52) was seen on 08/01/19.
The following day a Kingfisher(53) was on the lake.
The 11/01/19 saw a single Meadow Pipit(54) over the orchard.Later that day I ventured out to see if the local Barn Owls(55) were still around and one bird duly obliged.I also added Yellowhammer(56) and a pair of Mandarin(57).
The first Sparrowhawk(58) was over the lake on 17/01/19 and the following day 4 Teal(59) were on Furnace.
A Peregrine(60) was hunting over the orchards on the 31/01/19 and on the 01/02/19 three Gadwall(61) flew from the lake,
It was great to see the Snowdrops coming in to flower near Lake Cottage.

Not much chance for photos but I did get a couple of nice shots of a Grey Partridge in Norfolk.