Sunday, 20 May 2018

The first fledglings have started appearing down at the lake with the first Pied Wagtail and Grey Wagtails seen yesterday.
                                                                      Pied Wagtail
Grey Wagtail

Of note, three more Red Kites went over on the afternoon of the 14th.
Red Kite going over 

We went to Dungeness today with news of a Kentish Plover and were delighted to connect with it.
Distant Kentish Plover

We also went over to the Denge marsh Road to catch up with the Hoopoe.


Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Monday 7th a Yellowhammer was singing in Swigs so I'm hopeful they might stay to breed. The weather remained hot and a Beautiful Demoiselle was on the dam end.
The two male Cuckoos are very vocal at the moment and occasionally come within range for a photo.
Cuckoo at the lake

On a walk in the early afternoon a Little Owl(95) flew from a tree in Shirrenden.This is the first sighting this year so I am glad that this species hasn't disappeared form the patch.
Sitting in the garden on Monday afternoon produced a Hobby(96) circling overhead.
On Tuesdays early morning walk three Red Kites were circling low over the pumping station before flying off to the north.
Yesterday evening the Nightingale was still singing at the Tennis Club and a Barn Owl was also seen there but sadly not by me.
This morning a Turtle Dove flew down the lake and into Shirrenden.

Sunday, 6 May 2018

May started well with a Yellow Wagtail(91) over on the first and later that day another Common Sandpiper dropped into the lake.
Common Sandpiper resting on a pedalo.

Last night a Nightingale was found singing at the Tennis Club in Maidstone Road.

This morning I was delighted to find a Turtle Dove(92)  purring in Kirkins and as I walked down past the farmhouse a Tree Pipit(93) went over calling.
Amazingly another two Common Sandpipers were on Furnace Pond.
Whilst working in the garden the first two Swifts(94) were circling over the house.
The sun has bought out the butterflies which has given photo opportunities:-
Pair of Orange Tips
Small Tortoiseshell