Saturday the 24th produced a Peregrine that landed in an oak in Shirrenden and a lovely Lesser Spotted Woodpecker behind Lake Cottage.
Twenty one Lapwings went over S/E.
The following morning a Brambling went over as did another 14 Lapwings and a Cormorant.After work on Monday a Mandarin drake was on the lake and my first three Lesser Black-backed Gulls(68) went over.
This morning I work to find snow on the ground and went out during some heavy snow showers.
Three Water Rails were near the feeders
Todays Water Rails
Lots of Lapwings were escaping the snow a they went over south, in total 380 were seen,easily the highest patch total.
The lake had attracted a Little Grebe and a Coot.
The garden was full of birds with a dozen Chaffinches and 16 Goldfinches,2 Greenfinches,a Lesser Redpoll,a Pied wagtail,3 Collared Doves,3 Blackbirds,2 Dunnocks,a Robin,14 Redwings and 2 Fieldfares.
Fieldfare in the garden
Redwing enjoying the ivy berries