Saturday, 30 September 2017

Amazingly the Osprey has remained on the lake and continues to give great views to myself and visiting birdwatchers.
Perched on its favourite tree

Mandarin remain in varying numbers with 20 on the 28th.
Today there were a few mixed of flocks around the lake containing Blue,Coal,Long-tailed and Great Tits as well as Nuthatch,Chiffchaff and lots of Goldcrest(at least 20) and a Marsh Tit was in the trees by Lake Cottage.
House Martins and Swallows continue to pass through and the Water Rail was calling from Shirrenden side and in the afternoon 2 were calling from opposing sides of the lake.
Overhead Skylark,Meadow Pipit and Siskin were seen.

After all the dull weather I thought it my good to add some butterfly pictures from Corfu:-
                                                             Silver Washed Fritillary?
Long-tailed Blue

Tuesday, 26 September 2017

On the 10th Sept there were 50 Swallows and 150 House Martins on the lake with 10 Sand martins amongst them.There were two Spotted fly Catchers  and yet another Sedge Warbler was in the lakeside reeds.
We were away for the next week so the patch went unattended but I was pleased to hear the first Water Rail of the autumn on the 20th.
The next day there was a mass invasion of House Martins with 500+ over the orchards. It was great to see such a good number. By the 23rd they had mostly passed through.The same day a Lesser Spot was heard and two Siskins  were seen.
The high-lite of the weekend occurred when an Osprey came in form the south and spent the day fishing on the lake.
I was delighted to find it at the lake this evening and managed a few record shots of it although the light was very bad.

                                               Osprey on the lake this evening.

Hoping it will stick around and we have some sunshine.

Saturday, 9 September 2017

August went out with a couple of Spotted Flycatchers on the 30th and a Wheatear the following day which was seen by Wes.
On 2nd Sept there was a good selection of migrants with Willow,Reed and yet another Sedge Warbler seen as well as Chiffchaff and Blackcap.
The lake continues to hold a few Mandarins and a Great crested Grebe returned on 6th.
Martins and Swallows have appeared in good numbers which has been attracting a Hobby. The first Little Owl for a while was in an oak tree on the dam end on 7th.
Today started well with a Whinchat in Kirkins.
                                                                     Todays' Whinchat

The first Meadow Pipit of the autumn flew over as did two Pied wagtails. There were still plenty of Warblers around with two Reed Warblers and a Willow Warbler at the southern end of the lake.
Lots of House Martins and Swallows were over the lake and orchard with a single Sand Martin found among them.
Some of the many Hirundines.

As I walked around on the Shirrenden side I found a Grey Wagtail on the waterfall then had a Yellow Wagtail fly over me as I emerged into the paddock. My good fortune continued when as I was heading for home I heard a Lesser Spotted Woodpecker calling form the wood behind the boat house and as I made my way towards it the bird flew into one of the dead willows by the stile.
I managed a quick photo before it disappeared.
A poor shot of a fabulous little bird.