A walk on 3rd of this month produced some god species with Cuckoo,2 Kestrels,Mandarin,Coot,Reed and Garden Warbler plus Blackcap,Whitethroat and Chiffchaff seen.
Cormorant was a flyover as was a Peregrine(96) in the morning.
In the afternoon a Turtle Dove was found behind the pumping station and a single Red Kite went over s/west.
The next day good numbers of Swallow,House Martin and Swift were over the lakeside trees and amazingly another Red Kite was seen.
A quick walk after work on the 5th saw a Red-legged Partridge in one of the fields in the orchard.
As the patch has settled into its summer rhythm I have been photographing insects and flowers on the patch:-
Beautiful Demoiselle
Ovipositing Emperor Dragonfly
An unknown spider. Any Ideas???
I have recently found some interesting plant species on the patch:-
Twayblade Southern Marsh Orchid
Both of these are new species for the patch and I was super excited to find the Southern Marsh Orchid.