Friday, 27 May 2016

Late May Update

Early May produced two Common Sandpipers (90) during a walk before work and later that day the first Hobby (91) was seen over the back garden as it hunted over the village.
The next day seven Mallard ducklings had appeared on the lake.
 On my early morning walk on the 6th 3 Cuckoos were heard calling down at the lake and later that day a pair were seen.
Common Terns seem to be seen most days at the lake but are coming and going all the time.
On the patch walk on the 7th no fewer than 56 species were seen and I was especially pleased to see a Lesser Spotted Woodpecker. Only nine species were summer visitors though!
The next day five more species were added with the fourth Red Kite of the year seen.
I was relieved to see and hear my first two Turtle Doves(92) . It is sickening to see how this species has declined in recent years.
On a brighter note a pair of Spotted Flycatchers(93) were found below the waterfall on the 20th.
One of the Spotted Flycatchers.
On the 21st May a pair of Canada Geese appeared with five goslings.Unfortunately they were stuck behind the rabbit fencing so couldn't get to the lake. This called for drastic measures so I caught them all and dropped them over the fence and left the parents to hop over.
That same morning yet another Red Kite was seen!
I was well chuffed to find a Mandarin with ducklings on the 23rd.
Manarin with ducklings
I don't expect to be adding anymore species to the list for a while so will content myself with watching things unfold on the patch.
Whitethroat in the rape field.
Singing Reed Warbler at the southern end of the lake
Common Terns on the lake 

Monday, 2 May 2016

I returned to the patch on Sunday 1st May, after a few days in Devon, to a pair of Common Terns(87)
on the lake.

One of the Common Terns
On the walk back home I was delighted to see my first Swift(88) of the year wheeling over the village.
Todays walk started with the Lesser Whitethroat still singing at the top of Kirkins and as I walked down Furnace Lane a pair of Marsh Tits made their way up the hedgerow to the feeders in one of the gardens.Also there I saw my first Blackbird fledgling of the spring.
The Willow Warbler is still singing in the usual spot so I'm still hopeful.
As I walked down the farm track I watched a Crow chasing a Cuckoo down the new orchard. It seems that everything dislikes these birds!
The lake held four Mandarin drakes and the Coots appear to be nest building but unfortunately the Great-crested Grebes have lost their eggs.
The southern end held a singing Garden Warbler(89) but the Reed Warbler wasn't heard.Four Swallows and a single House Martin were flying around the lake and the Swift was flying was over the village again.
In total 44 species were seen of which 10 were summer visitors.