Sunday, 2 August 2015

July passed with an unusual sighting of a Siskin on the 19th. A Mediterranean Gull(93) went over on the 24th followed the next day by Sand Martin(94) when five were on the lake with 30 House Martins and ten Swallows.
On the 26th there were 80 Swallows and 2 more Sand Martins on the lake in dreary conditions and five more siskins were seen. At last the Great Crested Grebes have hatched 2 chicks.
August started with the first Sedge Warbler(95) of the year seen in the hedge by the pumping station.
                                            Sedge Warbler in the sunshine
It was an interesting morning with a flock of 8 Herons landing on the stock pond and 5 Cormorants over north. There were lots of warblers about with Whitethroat,Reed Warbler,Chiffchaff,Willow Warbler and Blackcap also seen.
The first Lesser Spotted Woodpecker for quite a while called from the wood at the southern end.
It was also good to see a Turtle Dove and a Spotted Flycatcher near the lake.
Today two more Siskins were seen but the undoubted highlite was seeing a large bird being mobbed by three Jackdaws which I initially thought was going to be a raptor but turned out to be a Raven(96).A rather bizarre but brilliant record!!!
On hte dragonfly front it was great to find not one but two Golden Ringed Dragonflies in the ditch opposite the pumping station.
Golden Ringed Dragonfly with wasp.