Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Not a lot has changed on the patch since my last post except for broods of plenty of species. It seems to have been a good time for the local breeders but the only new species added to the list since 13th May has been a Lapwing(92) which was seen on 17th.
Common Terns have put in an appearance on many occasions with a run of daily sightings from 25th - 29th May. On 28th May a Red Kite flew over the house(my fourth of the year and the second garden sighting).
The only other noteworthy species in May were a pair of Egyptian Geese and a few Hobby sightings.
The Nightingale was still singing down at Stonebridge on 5th June, so I presume it must have found a mate.
On the same evening it was great to see 35 Swifts over the house. House Martins still seem to be a very uncommon sighting worryingly.
The nest of Nuthatches that were in an oak on the dam end fledged on the first of June but I got a shot of an adult at the nest hole.
Nuthatch feeding young

A second brood of Grey Wagtails were seen on 13th June.
Young Grey Wagtail
Turtle Doves have also been hard to find but I was pleased to find two calling birds in Haymans Hill on the 20th.
The following day 2 Cuckoos were calling down by the lake.Could be last I hear this year!
I've added some insect photos which I have taken recently.
Broad Bodied Chaser
Beautiful Demoiselle
Large Red Damselfly with Alder Fly
This interesting micro moth (3mm) was on the lavender in the garden. Has anyone got any ideas what it is?