The year list has unsurprisingly been a bit of a struggle but had crept up to 100 on 14/08/14.
June went with the addition of 3 Crossbills(97) on the 21st.
During June the Kestrels in Shirrenden and Sprivers fledged with three young from each and three juvenile Grey Wagtails appeared on the stream below the lake.
Into July and on the 9th four Common Sandpipers were on the lake in the evening which is the first record for this month on the patch.The following day saw the first Sand Martin(98) of the year and the day after the first Common Tern(99).On the 27th the two Buzzards fledged and have been a constant feature around the paddock at Shirrenden since with their constant calling.In the afternoon of that day all the local Starlings were put up by what I was expecting to be a Sparrowhawk but turned out to be a Cuckoo going over the house.
August has slipped by with probably my last Swift of the year seen over the house on the 10th.
On the 14th my first 2 Sedge Warblers(100) of the year was seen at the lake with another there on the 17th.
On a walk this morning there were still good numbers of warblers about with Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler, Whitethroat and Blackcap seen plus a late brood of Reed Warblers had just fledged from a nest at the southern end of the lake.
Reed Warbler fledgeling
Three Spotted flycatchers were seen plus a rather nice Wheatear in the orchard.
Autumn Wheatear
A strange sighting was that of a Teal on the lake. This is the first summer sighting of this species for me.
Distant juvenile? Teal